Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas was awesome - since then, notch so much

Wish I had better things to report. Physically the muscle weakness continues to crush me. I've seen another neurologist and he was not that helpful. My work situation is about to take a change to the fiscally strangling, and the skins lost so what could be worse? I suppose I could be dead, huh.
The kids had a great, great Christmas I think and they really are what matters. Chris and I and his kids spent our first Christmas together with my kids which was such a blessing.

I have so enjoyed my girls being home and will miss them terribly this Sunday when they go back to school.

Well I have been a total emotional mess for about a month and I cannot put into words how amazing Chris has been and my parents have been. I have terrorized them with mood swings, saying i am giving up one moment and then switching to the fighter. I just don't know what to think one moment to the next. i do know this physical pain is crippling to my usual go-go self.

So you few followers I am still hanging on somehow. Will try to keep on keeping on. Love to you all.

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